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Frequently asked questions

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Answer How long does it take to receive the database ?

A download link will be sent to you as soon as your payment is manually confirmed by our staff. The entire process takes a maximum of 24 hours; however it is usually done in less than 1 hour.

I don‘t have a Paypal account, can I still buy your files ?

Yes. A Paypal account is not required to make a payment through Paypal, you can pay by debit or credit card without creating a Paypal account.

I haven't received any confirmation email for my purchase. What should I do?

The confirmation is sent to the email address registered with your Paypal account (or the one you provided during the checkout process). Keep in mind to also check your "spam" folder as our message may have been filtered by mistake. If you still cannot find the confirmation email, please contact us.

How often are files updated ?

Our databases are updated every month. We will notify you by email once the new data is available for download.

How many users are included in the purchase price?

An unlimited number of users within your organization are included in the product license.

I can't login into my account.

In case of lost credentials, go to the Download page to retreive your username and password. If you are still unable to login, make sure that your browser accepts cookies. If the problem persists, please Contact us.

Can I get a physical copy of the data ?

No. Our databases are only available for download. Besides being faster to access, this method also allows us to provide you with the lowest prices. Our current low prices wouldn't be possible with the shipping of physical items.

I'm not satisfied by my purchase, can I obtain a refund ?

You may extensively review the material available on our website before completing any purchase to ensure that our files match your requirements. Therefore, we generally do not offer any refund. If for some reason you feel you are entitled to one, please send us a request through our contact form stating your case.

I would like to obtain data for a country you do not currently offer.

We offer postcode databases in many other countries worldwide. Please contact us about your request.

How do you calculate the distance between two points ?

The formula used to calculate the distance between two geographical points is called orthodromy, it is defined as follows :

This formula takes the earth's curvature into consideration:
Distance(A,B) = 3959 * ACos( Cos(LatA) * Cos(LatB) * Cos(LngB - LngA) + Sin(LatA) * Sin(LatB) )

The resulting number is the distance in miles between point A and point B.

Our customers have access to a free script collection (PHP, ASP, Coldfusion, C# and many more) in the download area.

How to find the closest locations to a set point ?

Having a database of localities with their latitudes (Lat) and longitudes (Lng), enables you to locate the closest cities to a set point (or within a radius of X) with the following query :

This formula takes the earth's curvature into consideration:
SELECT Name, 3959 * ACos( Cos(RADIANS(Lat)) * Cos(RADIANS(UserLat)) * Cos(RADIANS(UserLng) - RADIANS(Lng)) + Sin(RADIANS(Lat)) * Sin(RADIANS(UserLat)) ) AS Distance FROM Cities ORDER BY Distance

The UserLat and UserLng values have to be replaced by the coordinates of the starting point. To limit the search to a given radius, you can add a WHERE clause to the distance; you can also specify a LIMIT clause to display only the n cities closest to your starting point.

Our customers have access to a free script collection (PHP, ASP, Coldfusion and many more) in the download area.

What We Offer

Our Products

ZIP Code Database USA

The USA ZIP Code Database contains all 5 digit US ZIP Codes, the default city for each ZIP Code, County, State, and manually verified latitude & longitude coordinates.

Postal Code Database Canada

The Canadian Postal Code Database contains all Canadian Postal Codes in the format A0A 0A0, the city for each postal code, province, and manually verified latitude & longitude coordinates. All 'Forward sortation areas' (FSA) and all 'Local delivery units' (LDU) are included.

ZIP Code Database USA + Canada

The USA + Canadian ZIP Code Database contains all US ZIP Codes and all Canadian Postal Codesand the city for each ZIP /postal code, state / province, and manually verified latitude & longitude coordinates.